Qtum: Bodhi Airdrop for QTUM Holders
Here are the details:
We will take a snapshot of the Qtum blockchain on Block 93333 (expected to be between February 1 and February 5) for the Airdrop. Users MUST complete depositing QTUM tokens into their wallets (e.g., Qbao, Qtum Core Wallet) before Block 93333 to be eligible to receive the airdrop.
We recommend users collect their QTUM tokens in a single wallet address before Block 93330 to leave time to verify that the balance can be properly queried using the Qtum Explorer. To ensure accuracy, we also recommend holding the QTUM in your wallet through Block 93335. Users may freely transfer their QTUM tokens after Block 93335.
Please store your QTUM in wallets (such as QBao or Qtum Core Wallet), QTUM stored on big.one, gate.io, allcoin.com, lbank.info, exx.com (BOT’s current trading exchanges) will be able to receive BOT airdrop. QTUM stored on other exchanges will NOT receive the airdrop.
Using this snapshot, the Bodhi team will perform the airdrop of Bodhi tokens on the February 16th, 2018 on Chinese New Year.